Port Orange Park
Written by Daytona Beach News Journal
PbO3 Environmental firm says Port Orange Park OK
By JOHN WISNIEWSKI (john.wisniewski@news-jrnl.com)
Staff Writer
PORT ORANGE — Hey, kids! Soon you can play again like you did last summer at All Children’s Park.
Port Orange officials closed the park April 16 when soil tests showed arsenic had leached from playground equipment built with wood treated with a preservative, chromated copper arsenate, or CCA.
“We anticipate re-opening the park by the middle of June,” City Manager Ken Parker said Tuesday.
The decision to move toward re-opening the park on Spruce Creek Road was based on results of additional tests received late last week, Parker said.
Similar test results at Ormond Beach, New Smyrna Beach and DeLand playgrounds have been reported by PbO3 Environmental.
The firm’s report to Port Orange finds “no significant risk of . . . adverse health effects . . . by the use of kids at the playground.”